"Seek always, for by looking for one thing you will surely find another - this is the path to wisdom
I hate having to look for something - this will stress me out to no ends - for the most part I try to keep things organized. I am a very routine person, and I do not like to have my routine disrupted. I like having my days off and sometimes I pass on doing things with others just so I can have "me" time. This is when I get things done around the house, or just catch up on movies,or tv shows. I do try to ballance the time though - sometimes I need to clean and tidy up the home to make a less stressful place to come home to from the craziness of work, and then sometimes I need to be around other friends and loved ones to feel loved and "normal". I think the true wisdom is to keep everything in balance. This is truly a work of art and patience. I also need my job - this keeps me balanced with self worth - and sure comes in handy to buy groceries and pay the bills.
No wonder people have such high emotions anymore, it is getting very difficult to keep balancing all the needed things in our lives. I pray that the Lord continues to help me to keep walking the many pathways I need to travel through and continues to put lots of pretty flowers along the way for me to enjoy!!!!
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